Sunday, December 8, 2013

VLOG: Procrastination and Distraction

Hey guys! Today, I had so much swirling in my head and I couldn't express it through writing. So I did a video!

P.S.  I ended up watching Braxton Family Values while working...a nice compromise for myself.

Rhonda Marie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm starting to think we're twins..but maybe it's the Aries Your blogs are so on point and parallel to my own situation! Le sigh..I find myself getting overwhelmed and procrastinating (avoiding) tackling what I need to do. Needed to hear this myself as a reminder to tackle one thing as a time -- it's still progress. Oh...and love the vlog concept...keeps you in front of a camera while holding yourself accountable.

  3. Thanks Sheri! My mom had a great Ida of keeping all ideas in an idea journal and then setting specific deadlines for the: today, next week, next month, next year etc. Then DO it. I usually use my iPhone notes and random scraps of paper I find, but the important part I've been missing is accountability. I'm going to take my mom's idea of making deadlines and see how it works!
